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Showing posts from August, 2015

Being Human

On looking upward, and I saw a face; cold as ice, hard as rock, expressionless. Wiping the sweat away, cruelly with the end of, scarf she wore. Looking constantly straight, as if nothing bothered her. And I looked down, fearful of the screams; of untold stories, of the buried wishes, of the beauty-seeking eyes.... For she was human too!   Dedicated to one of the minority girl who had accompanied one of my client!

Twinkle Twinkle

Toughened by struggles, with experience becoming handy; a wrinkled face, with glittering eyes, were looking towards the sky. The smoke hindered, dimmed, belittled, those tiny stars__ yet they had a whole world, in themselves. He wanted to be that star__ small as eyes can't search for; but holding a pool of secrets, yet brightening, galvanizing, the infinite sky!


While the full moon, busy in spreading its__ zeal, brightness, beauty, ecstasy around.... With a gloomy look, and a bowed face, she collected her pieces__ while sitting near her tomb!