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Showing posts from January, 2015


Busy as much as could he be... Light started to glow out the surroundings as far as possible... Thoughts falling of his "weapon" like a water fall____ Eyes changing expressions___heart felling in love with the flow of the weapon___ hands moving as fast as could___ canvas getting filled up as much as could___ thoughts getting memorized..... . . Words . . Ideas . . Ambitions . . Passion . . And pain.... Pen wrote it all down!!!!


Her tears falling down..... Letters scattered___ like pearls falling apart from each other when no more a necklace survive.... The hope was dying___ dreams were shattered___silent was prevailing inside heart..... Life was showing its cruel part . Her heart was pounding up and down with the falling of words___scattering deep inside like a mud house "Don't tear them" her heart cried, yet he was smiling all the cruel way he could!!! . Blood squezed inside... Died inside.... Brain could't act upon "Resistance" act___ Home protected! Ahhh words .... Lost worthiness...... Pen stopped donating its further "Bloody ink" to give live to paper...... Ahhh pain... Deep Deep Deep Darkness . . . She had to feed his ego.........